Healthy Living and Working with Building Biology Security

Balance at Home and in your Body

The human body is an intelligent organism that is continually under pressure to keep its system in balance. But due to the increased influence from environmental pollutants our bodies are under stress. A healthy body can balance this in the short term, but nowadays because of the considerable diversity of stress factors and their persistence, this regeneration is often not possible any more.

This can result in the following health problems:

  • sleep disturbances
  • general feeling of ill health
  • inner restlessness
  • headaches
  • weakened immune system
  • tendency to allergies


Every possible risk reduction is worth striving for

In the field of building biology nature is our benchmark. Bedrooms should be places of quiet and working areas those of creativity.


Holistic Support

We work closely together with environmental medical practitioners, "Heilpraktikers" (German certified and recognised healers), doctors, architects and laboratories so that our results can be optimally integrated into your everyday life.